Monday, March 16, 2009

Travel in the Economic Downturn by Xperience Consulting (Spain)

Weakening in the economy has not affected international travel and number of airline passengers, according to the International Air Transport. International travel has risen 9.3 percent in March 2009, compared to the previous year. The internet is the most widely used tool for searching travel options. Airline and hotel websites are optimizing their sites to meet demands and improve the functionality of their sites.

UXalliance partner, Xperience Consulting conducted the expert usability evaluation of online travel agencies and hotel web-sites. Xperience Consulting found people traveling in the economic downturn are more selective, tend to analyze options more, and looks for deals. The study explores opinions, preferences and behaviors of consumers, plus analysis of search strategies for booking travel.
Read the complete report on the UXalliance web-site.

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